NaNoWriMo: An Introduction

Happy Halloween! For several years, I have participated in a project called NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). The idea is to write a total of 50,000 words in the month of November. This comes out to 1,667 words per day. It’s a stretch goal without being unreasonable, even for students or parents or full-time professionals. This…

Suspending Disbelief

Warning: Slight spoiler for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in bullet number 3. Sometime in middle school (or possibly in high school), one of my English teachers told me that all writing is persuasive writing. I remember thinking that was one of the most brilliant things I had ever heard. I believed it instantly and…

For Nice

  There are no new words. Nothing left unsaid. The world ends over and over again. And through the exhaustion, the only thing left is to patch fractured souls and wish for a better tomorrow.

10 Bookish Facts About Me

Hello again! Normally, posts will go up every Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. Eastern, but during this first week, I’m putting up a few extras! Check back on Sunday for the next post. Today’s post is based on a round of YouTube videos I’ve seen, and it looked like a fun way to continue my introduction-by-way-of-books,…